Everything Comes Alive
DAY 19
Jesus died on the cross, He was beaten, stabbed, broken bones, even died of a broken heart. To many, the story would have just ended there. But that is where it begins, on the cross. 3 days later He rose again, and everything came to life. The disciples thought they were beaten, all hope was lost. Then He appeared to them, a risen Saviour, and Everything came to life. The Holy Spirit came to them, and Everything came to life, the Apostles with fire in their spirits began preaching in every tongue and all that heard them were saved that very day, everything came to life, at the cross!
Today's song should really get you moving, Everything Comes Alive by We the Messengers
Scripture for Today
God’s power has given us everything we need for life and godliness, through our knowing the One who called us to his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 CJB
Prayer for Today
Glory glory Hallelujah, Heavenly Father Lord Jesus, through You Lord, everything comes alive. Thank You Lord for dying for all of us on that cross, and then coming back to life, a Risen Saviour, come to save the World.
In Jesus Name We Pray, Amen.